
Y SIN EMBARGO magazine #27 : in-significant

Y SIN EMBARGO magazine #27, in-significant (new!, free, independent)

Y SIN EMBARGO magazine #27, in-significant (new!, free, independent)







Not even things but the discourse on things.

Not even interaction with the object but just with the discourse on the object.

Absence of significance in an Empire of signifiers.

Rhetorical update: Surfer discourse not defending any stance, just suspecting.

Bottomless surfer, dissections by a forensic surgeon of the senses.

Sublimation of languages?

Apocalyptic deconstruction?

Waste management at the end of the game?

What do we speak about when we speak? What do we refer to?

Do you know what I’m talking about?

The medium turned into massage.

When the message from the medium is just the massage of discourse.

Massive addiction to the daily soma of a “renewed” discourse, a distracting one, without consequences or content, paradigmatic on mass-media and social networks.

Words and things.

What names and is named, cultural conventions, significance-signifier-jingle-label.

Channel as the bearer of uncontrollable noise.

At a higher level every day (as this formula is understood in programming) and further from objects and phenomena?


edit(ing), direct(ing) & complements_
fernando prats

art direct(ing) & design(ing)_
estudi prats

colacao & ordenaciones_
rivera valdez

biotranslat(ing) & reflejos_
alicia pallas

(h)original music_
albert jordà / nevus project

(h)original video_
raquel barrera sutorra

front cover(ing) index_ players

open(ing) in-troduction_ alain vaissiere

clos(ing) macbeth_ leonie polah

back(c)over(ing) discourse_ thomas hagström


roman aixendri
hernán dardes
manuel diumenjó
wilma eras
oriol espinal
thomas hagström
françoise lucas
jorge montecof
graciela oses
alicia pallas
leonie polah
fernando prats
beatriz giovanna ramírez
miguel ruibal
juan pablo sáenz
jef safi
nirvana sq
alain vaissiere
susan wolff

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